Pray for peace

Pray For Peace

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll notice that I’ve started a “Pray for peace” campaign. Every day I post a carefully selected picture, usually of somebody praying. These pictures represent religions from around the world in Prayer. Christian, Hindu, Moslem, Orthodox, Jew, Buddhist… 

We are all people! People’s desire is to live in peace. Just imagine, if we all collectively prayed for peace.

Please don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not competing for a Miss America pageant or anything. I’m not saying, let’s pray for “world peace.” However, I am saying let’s “Pray for peace” worldwide.

I am very familiar with the scriptures. I’m well aware of how peace will come about. Not by war, not from any political party, but only by the hand of God. If you don’t believe this, there is no need to follow me on any social media. You will not agree with much of what I post. 

However, whether you believe in my God or not, we can all agree that peace is much better than conflict. I say, “Pray for peace” and you can say, Strive for peace. It’s a win-win either way. 

Whoever you are, where ever you’re from, whatever you believe in, let’s bow our heads in mutual respect for one another as we “Pray for peace.”

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